Rob Overton is conducting a FREE beginners workshop, Intro to Beekeeping, January 15, 2022, Olive Free Library – West Shokan, 10AM – 4PM. If you are new to beekeeping, thinking about starting, this is a very nice intro to the subject. And even with a couple years experience, there is the opportunity to sit in with and ask questions of a beekeeper who has been at it all his life. The more people the better the workshop will Bee. Let your friends know, too, and pass this info on to those who are thinking about becoming a beekeeper. Don't miss out on this opportunity. Opportunity Knocks!!
AND PLEASE FORWARD TO SOMEONE YOU KNOW, POST ON YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE, SEND IN YOUR OWN NEWSLETTER. This is a good course for the newby or someone with only 1 - 3 years under their belt. A great opportunity for anyone to come and ask questions, be it you've no bees yet or have bees for a couple years.
Please grow our list, forward this newsletter to a friend. Thanks!
Queen 16 Days, Worker 21 Days, Drone 24 Days...Capped at 9th Day...
Pls check the Resources section below...
If you have any topics, ideas, selling bee equipment, or questions, feel free to contact us at BeeGroup@HVHiives.com.
Beltsville Lab: If your bees die, God Forbid!, please send a sample to the Beltsville Lab in Maryland. The analysis is free and they will email you the results. They check for Nosema and Mites. I sent a sample down a month ago and my hive was loaded with mites -- in December! Please share results with Rob,Tom and the BeeGroup so we can help keep tabs on what is happening in the 'hood. Thanks! CLICK HERE for details on how to submit a sample.
Talks about nutrition for your bees. This will impact how your bees can fight off disease and ultimately survive.
For Honeybee information, videos, podcasts and workshops please visit the links below. Workshops are being updated as we speak!
Dave Cushman Beekeeping Website maintained by Roger Patterson.
NOSEMA: Treatment Procedure. Don't forget to treat for Nosema! Click Here for procedure.
HONEYBEE LIFE CYCLE - Very Important to know. This is the building block of understanding your hives.
Queen 16 Days, Worker 21 Days, Drone 24 Days...
Where: Olive Free Library, West Shokan - check details above for location
Hudson Valley Hives is a beekeeping group that meets at the Olive Free Library on a monthly basis and discuss all things beekeeping. The meeting is driven by members questions and sharing experiences with the goal of spreading timely knowledge among fellow beekeepers. It is very informal and we welcome anyone interested to participate. If you are just thinking about getting started in beekeeping, a new beekeeper, or a seasoned beekeeper, you will benefit from the group discussions. There is no membership fee. The Olive Free Library graciously provides a meeting place for our group and we encourage you to make a donation to the library if you find the BeeGroup helpful.
Have family or friends that might be interested in beekeeping? Forward this email so they can Subscribe to our Mail List.